The Observations

We primarily obtain MIRI/MRS spectra with high S/N covering the complete wavelength range from 4.8 to 28.1 μm. For a handful of selected targets we also obtain NIRSpec IFU high resolution spectroscopy (2.9-5 μm). We will search for sign-posts of planet formation in thermal emission of micron-sized dust – information complementary to near-IR scattered light emission from small dust grains and emission from large dust in the submillimeter wavelength domain. Besides MIRI IFU data on all targets, we will study the spatial structure of disks in two key systems that have shown signposts for planet formation, TW Hydrae using the MIRI coronagraph at 15.5 μm and PDS 70 using NIRCam narrow band imaging at 1.87 μm. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the MINDS survey. As an example of the power of the new JWST mid-IR molecular spectroscopy we will discuss the TW Hya disk spectrum.

Specific info on the observations set-up can be found in the Program Information.