MINDS. The DR Tau disk I: combining JWST-MIRI data with high-resolution CO spectra to characterise the hot gas

The MRS mode of the JWST-MIRI instrument has been shown to be a powerful tool to characterise the molecular gas emission of the inner region of planet-forming disks. Here, we analyse the spectrum of the compact T-Tauri disk DR Tau, which is complemented by high spectral resolution (R~60000-90000) CO ro-vibrational observations. Various molecular species, including …

MINDS: JWST/NIRCam imaging of the protoplanetary disk PDS 70

Context. Two protoplanets have recently been discovered within the PDS 70 protoplanetary disk. JWST/NIRCam offers a unique opportunity to characterize them and their birth environment at wavelengths difficult to access from the ground. Aims. We aim to image the circumstellar environment of PDS 70 at 1.87 μm and 4.83 μm, assess the presence of Pa-α …

MINDS. JWST-MIRI Reveals a Dynamic Gas-Rich Inner Disk Inside the Cavity of SY Cha

SY Cha is a T Tauri star surrounded by a protoplanetary disk with a large cavity seen in the millimeter continuum but has the spectral energy distribution (SED) of a full disk. Here we report the first results from JWST-MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) observations taken as part of the MIRI mid-INfrared Disk Survey (MINDS) …

MINDS. Abundant water and varying C/O across the disk of Sz 98 as seen by JWST/MIRI

MIRI/MRS on board the JWST allows us to probe the inner regions of protoplanetary disks. Here we examine the disk around the classical T Tauri star Sz 98, which has an unusually large dust disk in the millimetre with a compact core. We focus on the H2O emission through both its ro-vibrational and pure rotational …

NASA/ESA Press release on PDS70

Original press releases at: https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/goddard/webb-detects-water-vapor-in-rocky-planet-forming-zone/ https://esawebb.org/news/weic2318/ Webb detects water vapour in rocky planet-forming zone 24 July 2023 New measurements by the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope’s Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) have detected water vapour in the inner disc of the system PDS 70, located 370 light-years away. This is the first detection of water in the …

The diverse chemistry of protoplanetary disks as revealed by JWST

Early results from the James Webb Space Telescope-Mid-InfraRed Instrument (JWST-MIRI) guaranteed time programs on protostars (JOYS) and disks (MINDS) are presented. Thanks to the increased sensitivity, spectral and spatial resolution of the MIRI spectrometer, the chemical inventory of the planet-forming zones in disks can be investigated with unprecedented detail across stellar mass range and age. …

The Chemical Inventory of the Inner Regions of Planet-forming Disks – The JWST/MINDS Program

The understanding of planet formation has changed recently, embracing the new idea of pebble accretion. This means that the influx of pebbles from the outer regions of planet-forming disks to their inner zones could determine the composition of planets and their atmospheres. The solid and molecular components delivered to the planet-forming region can be best …

Astronomers spot benzene in planet-forming disk around star for first time

An international team of astronomers including several Dutch researchers has observed the benzene molecule (C6H6) in a planet-forming disk around a young star for the first time. Besides benzene, they saw many other, smaller carbon compounds and few oxygen-rich molecules. The observations suggest that, like our own Earth, the rocky planets forming in this disc …

JWST peeks into the birthplaces of exoplanets

Astronomers excited by first JWST spectra of planetary cradles showing a rich and diverse chemistry. Researchers using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have taken a first look at their data that probe the chemistry of the regions of disks around young stars where rocky planets form. Already at that stage, the data reveal the …