MINDS. JWST-MIRI Reveals a Dynamic Gas-Rich Inner Disk Inside the Cavity of SY Cha

JWST -MIRI MRS spectrum of SY Cha. Coloring designates the short, medium, and long sub-bands in the
four integral field units. Major atomic and H2 lines, as well as dust features, are labeled.

SY Cha is a T Tauri star surrounded by a protoplanetary disk with a large cavity seen in the millimeter continuum but has the spectral energy distribution (SED) of a full disk. Here we report the first results from JWST-MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) observations taken as part of the MIRI mid-INfrared Disk Survey (MINDS) GTO Program. The much improved resolution and sensitivity of MIRI-MRS compared to Spitzer enables a robust analysis of the previously detected H2O, CO, HCN, and CO2 emission as well as a marginal detection of C2H2. We also report the first robust detection of mid-infrared OH and ro-vibrational CO emission in this source. The derived molecular column densities reveal the inner disk of SY Cha to be rich in both oxygen and carbon bearing molecules. This is in contrast to PDS 70, another protoplanetary disk with a large cavity observed with JWST, which displays much weaker line emission. In the SY Cha disk, the continuum, and potentially the line, flux varies substantially between the new JWST observations and archival Spitzer observations, indicative of a highly dynamic inner disk.

MINDS. JWST-MIRI Reveals a Dynamic Gas-Rich Inner Disk Inside the Cavity of SY Cha. By: K. R. Scharz et al. In: The Astrophysical Journal [preprint]